The Era of Reform, 1830-1860.
Commager, Henry Steele
The Era of Reform, 1830-1860. - [1a ed.] - Princeton : Van Nostrand, 1960. - 192 p. - An Anvil original; 48 .
Bibliografía: Notas al pie de página. Table of contents. Index.
Documents: The Philosophy of Reform. Utopianism. Political Reform. Women's Right. Economic Reform. Land Reform. Education. Humanitarianism. The Peace Crusade.
The Era of Reform, 1830-1860. - [1a ed.] - Princeton : Van Nostrand, 1960. - 192 p. - An Anvil original; 48 .
Bibliografía: Notas al pie de página. Table of contents. Index.
Documents: The Philosophy of Reform. Utopianism. Political Reform. Women's Right. Economic Reform. Land Reform. Education. Humanitarianism. The Peace Crusade.