Treatise on international criminal law.

Ambos, Kai

Treatise on international criminal law. - [1st ed.] - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013. - 3 v.

Bibliografía: Bibliografía: al final de cada tomo. Notas al pie de página. Table of: Cases, Legislation. Index of: Names, Subjects. Lists.

v. I) Foundations and general part: Hisotrial overview: the road from early prosecutios of war crimes to the creation of the ICC. Imputation and general structure of crime in international criminal law. Individual criminal responsability. Omission, in particular command responsability. Attempt as a special form of individual criminal responsability. The subjective requirements of international crimes. Grounds excluding responsibility ('Defences'). v. II) The crimes and sentencing: Genocide, Crimes against humanity, War crimes, The crime of aggression, Treaty crimes, Concursus delictorum and sentencing. v. III) International criminal procedure: The framework of international criminal procedure: conceptual foundations, origins, goals, and rights. Role and status of legal participants. Jurisdiction and admisssibility (Complementarity). Proceedings before the ICC and the Ad Hoc Tribunals-Overview and Special Issues. Evidence and disclosure. Appeal, revision and other remedie, Enforcement of sentences and other penalties.

9780199657926 9780199665600 9780199665617

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