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  • Hennebicq, André

Hennebicq, André (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Hennebicq, André

Machine generated authority record.

Work cat.: (arbacsj)23253: UNIDROIT (Instituto Internacional para la Unificación del Derecho Privado) 13321, "L"unification du Droit=Unification of Law. (Annuaire 1966=Year Book 1966). Aperçu général des travaux pour l"unification du Droit privé (Projets et Contions)= A General Survey of Work for the Unification of Private Law (Drafts and Conventions).", 1967.
Talcahuano 550 - 7° piso of. 7073.
Tel. 4370 - 4699
Horarios: Lunes a Viernes de 7:30 hs a 19:00 hs.