Registered partnerships in Belgium

Por: Tipo de material: ArtículoArtículoTítulo traducido: Uniones registradas en Bélgica En: The future of registered partnerships : family recognition beyond marriage? . pp. 381-409.
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Monografías Biblioteca de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (CSJN) C6999 Enlace al recurso Disponible C6999

Contenido: 1. History and background -- 1.1. Basic structures of the law on adult relationships -- 1.2. Motives for introduction of registered partnership -- 1.3. Proponents and opponent -- 1.4 Debates and alternatives considered -- 1.5. Impact of the introduction of registered partnership -- 2. Substance of the registered partnership regime -- 2.1. Formation -- 2.2. Dissolution -- 2.3. Legal consequences/effects of registered partnership -- 2.4. Conflict of laws -- 2.5. Introduction of same-sex marriage -- 3. Conclusions. Notas al pie de página.
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