Stein, Emanuel,

War economics. - [1a ed.]. 2nd print. - Nueva York : Farrar and Rinehart, 1942. - 501 p.

Bibliografía: Bibliografía: Bibliografía al final de cada capítulo. Notas al pie de página. Otros autores: Kapp, Karl W; Martin, RobertF.; Stein, Emanuel.

Transition from peace to war. Maximizing wartime production. Labor supply in defense and war. Wages and collective bargaining in wartime. War finance. Price problem. Fiscal control, credit control and general price ceiling. Controls over demand. Direct price controls. Wartime foreign trade control. Railroads in wartime. Electric power in wartime. Wartime housing and rent control. Agriculture and war. Consumers in wartime. Business and finance under the United States defense program. Postwar problems of industrial demobilization.