The Charter of the United Nations : A commentary.
- 2nd ed.
- New York : Oxford University Press, 2002.
- 2 v.
Table of contents. List of authors. Table of cases. Index.
v. I) List of authors. Table of Cases. Text of the Charter. Text of the ICJ Statute. The commentary. Drafting History. The Interpretation of the Charter. Preamble. Purposes and Principles. Membership. Organs. The General Assembly. The Security Council. Pacific Setlement of Disputes. Action with respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Agression. Regional Arrangements. v. II) Table of Cases. International Economic and Social Co-operation. The Economic and Social Council. Declaration Regarding Non-self-governing Territories. International Trusteeship System. The Trusteeship Council. The International Court of Justice. The Secretariat. Miscellaneous Provisions. Tansitional Security Arrangements. Amendments. Ratification and Signature. Annex: Rules of procedure of the General Assembly.