Prosecution of adult felony defendants in Los Angeles County : a policy perspective.
- [1a ed.]
- [Whashington, D.C.] : Law Enforcement Assistance Administration, U.S. Department of Justice, 1973.
- 156 p.
p. 155-156. Notas al pie de página. Summary. Contents. Tablas.
I. Introduction -- II. The Los Angeles Country criminal justice system -- III. The basic pattern of dispositions in Los Angeles Country -- IV. Background sources of variation in the treatment of defendants -- V. Filing and termination of felony cases prior to Superior Court -- VI. Variation in office management, procedures, and workload -- VII. The patterns of dispositions across branches -- VIII. Conclusions and recommendations -- Appendix. A. Data sources -- B. Statistical measures of prosecution effectiveness -- C. Superior Court dispositions for 1970 and 1971 -- D. Sentencing patterns of individual judges -- E. The weighted average.