"From "macro-anthropos" to "multi-person organization" : logic and structure of compliance programs in the corporate criminal liability"
"Contenido: "Ex crimine" corporate liability and its impact in European Union Member States. The prospects for approximation and harmonisation. General introduction to the Guidelines which the Research has outlined. Criteria for imputation and principles of corporate criminal or quasi-criminal liability. The "link of derivation" of the offence from conduct attributable to the entity. The "belonging" of the fact to the subject and its "dominability". The principle of culpability in the supranational legal system. From the general "attitude" and from the "dangerousness" of the entity to the "specific fact committed" In depth examination of the differences between "objective" and "subjective" in the imputation of organisational shortcomings. The subjective element of the offence.The offence by a subordinate and by a member of to management. "Non-fraudulent" circumvention. The "fair expectatibility" of conduct by the entity ... Notas al pie de página."